5 January 2012

吃在台北 The Eats of Taipei Dolce Vita Pasta Curry 甜蜜生活 意大利麵 咖哩

Dolce Vita is a newly opened restaurant near Nanmen Market (by CKS), Taipei, which offers a select menu of curry and pasta (spaghetti) dishes. The experienced chef cooks delicious and healthy food; tomato, cream, and pesto sauce as well as curry is offered, with only olive oil and natural foods & spices used. It’s also really good value - set meals including soup, and dessert are only around $140. 
新開幕的「Dolce Vita 甜蜜生活」義大利麵與咖哩飯餐廳,鄰近台北市南門市場與中正紀念 堂捷運站。由具有十幾年經驗的廚師所準備的健康料理:義大利麵口味有番茄紅醬、奶油白醬與羅勒青醬等;咖哩則有飯與麵搭配各種主菜。所有餐點皆以天然新鮮食材與橄欖油料理,且完全不含味精。所有主餐皆包含湯與甜點,價位約在$140左右。
Opening Times: Daily 11:00~20:00 {open ‘most’ Sundays} Phone:02- 2357 6037
Address:No.23, Lane 59, Nan Chang Rd Section1, Zhong Zheng District, Taipei City.
地址:台北市中正區南昌路一段59巷23號 (中正紀念堂捷運站2號出口前10公尺巷子內)
營業時間:週一~週日 11:00~20:00 預約電話:02- 2357 6037


1 comment:

  1. Dolce Vita 甜蜜生活~ 義大利麵與咖哩 – 網路優惠-免費佐餐贈送活動,至1月21日截止
    Dolce Vita ~ Pasta, Curry - Special Online FREE FOOD OFFER until January 21st

    觀賞完此短片後,於此留言正面評價,再至「Dolce Vita 甜蜜生活」粉絲團按"讚",則可立即享有優惠

    To Qualify, WATCH the video and write a positive comment here. THEN go to the Dolce Vita FB and ‘like’ the page . You will find out offer details there too.

